Friday, May 29, 2009

Honoring Parents

I was at a family retreat last weekend and our priest spoke to us (the youth) about these verses. I remembered how powerful they were the first time I read them, and how they change your life once you really take it to heart. So for this week, I am putting these verses for you to read and benefit from.

"Give heed to me, O children, for I am your father, and do what I tell you, that you may be saved. For the Lord honored the father over the children and strengthened the judgment of the mother over her son. He who honors his father atones for his sins; and he who honors his mother is like one who stores up treasure. He who honors his father will be gladdened by his own children, and when he prays, he will be heard. He who honors his father will have a long life, and he who obeys the Lord will give rest to his mother; and he will serve his parents as his masters. Honor your father and mother in word and deed, that a blessing may come upon you from him, for the blessing of a father establishes the houses of the children, but the curse of a mother uproots their foundations. Do not glory in the dishonor of your father, for your father's dishonor is no glory to you. For the glory of man is from the honor of his father, and it is a disgrace for children to dishonor their mother. My son, help your father in his old age, and do not grieve him in his life; and if his understanding fails, be considerate, and do not dishonor him in your prime. For kindness to a father will not be forgotten, and it will be credited to you instead of your sins. It will be remembered in the day of your affliction; thus your sins will melt away like frost in warm weather. He who forsakes his father is like a blasphemer, and he who provokes his mother to wrath is cursed by God." -Wisdom of Sirach 3:1-16 SAAS

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